LatelY.. I spOtTed A HaRDCore bAnD = SLiPKnOt..
ThEy ALwayS MakE Their DiBUte In THeiR Own TYpe OF MasK.. AnD SinG SoNGs ThaT Gives ME soME Sort Of INspiRE aND sLicE Of LifE..
THiS BaND SOMeHow.. MaKe ME ReaLIse ThAt, ALL oF uS HaVE ouR OWn kIND oF maSk tHAt rEflecTS Our OwN TYpE Of PERsOnALiTY..
And.. We USe It to PlAy Our ROLE In Life WitHOut KnoWinG AbOuT IT... KinDA FunnY riGhT...??
ThEy ALwayS MakE Their DiBUte In THeiR Own TYpe OF MasK.. AnD SinG SoNGs ThaT Gives ME soME Sort Of INspiRE aND sLicE Of LifE..
THiS BaND SOMeHow.. MaKe ME ReaLIse ThAt, ALL oF uS HaVE ouR OWn kIND oF maSk tHAt rEflecTS Our OwN TYpE Of PERsOnALiTY..
And.. We USe It to PlAy Our ROLE In Life WitHOut KnoWinG AbOuT IT... KinDA FunnY riGhT...??
For all your of information.. there are things that can't be change in this world...
no matter what you do, you just cant do it..
Well.. as i said before( i think i did).. experience is everything for me.. it teach me how life going to be & where the flow (of life) going to go... SOMETIMES, THINGS IS NOT LIKE HOW THEY SEEM TO BE..!!
Today is one of my "Upset Day".. however i appreciate it because.. If there are no 'today', there will be no tomorrow.. It is not necessary for me to tell what had happened.. because.. One day.. you will experience what i gone through uptil now...
(Everybody has their own way to live their life..)
no matter what you do, you just cant do it..
Well.. as i said before( i think i did).. experience is everything for me.. it teach me how life going to be & where the flow (of life) going to go... SOMETIMES, THINGS IS NOT LIKE HOW THEY SEEM TO BE..!!
Today is one of my "Upset Day".. however i appreciate it because.. If there are no 'today', there will be no tomorrow.. It is not necessary for me to tell what had happened.. because.. One day.. you will experience what i gone through uptil now...
(Everybody has their own way to live their life..)